Directions to Biogen Idec Research Triangle Park, NC

From Raleigh or RDU Airport to Biogen

Take I-40 West towards Durham. From I-40, take Davis Drive Exit (exit 280). At the top of the ramp, turn left, going south. Drive straight for about 3 miles. Biogen is on the left at 5000 Davis Drive.

From North of Durham

Take I-85 to Gregson Street (Exit 176A). Drive through downtown Durham. Take Route 147 South (Durham Freeway). Follow signs to I-40 East towards Raleigh. Off of I-40, take Davis Drive exit (Exit 280). At the top of the ramp, turn left, going south. Drive straight for about 3 miles. Biogen is on the left at 5000 Davis Drive.

From Chapel Hill

Take I-40 East towards Raleigh. Take the Davis Drive exit (Exit 280). At the top of the ramp, turn left, going south. Drive straight for about 3 miles. Biogen is on the left at 5000 Davis Drive.